SCPCA Committees

Budget Committee
The Budget Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for ensuring that all funds received by the SCPCA as well as all funds dispersed through the association accounts are appropriate and properly accounted for.
Chair: Caleb Walker
Committee: Ralph Faulling, Mary Elizabeth Dowless Fairfax
Staff Support: Glynnis Anderson and Lisa Ashley

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is standing committee, chaired by the SCPCA Vice President/President Elect and is responsible for developing membership opportunities and helping to retain and grow membership.
Chair: Dewey Brunson
Committee: Josh Swilling and region director from each region
Staff Support: Glynnis Anderson, Lisa Ashley

PR/Communications Committee
The PR/Communications Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for promoting SCPCA membership and creating value for our members, including oversight of fundraising events sponsored by the SCPCA and local associations to raise money for charitable organizations. Establish and maintain a presence at local association meetings to create a link between the local and state association. Create and implement a Leadership Development Program for the purpose of preparing future leaders to serve in various leadership roles in the association and throughout our membership. Oversee communication with our membership via our website, promotional material, trade shows, etc. There are several sub-committees under the PR/Communications Committee.
Chair: Kipp Woods
Committee: TBD
Staff Support: Lisa Ashley

SC Professional Woman in Pest Management Committee
*this committee is a sub-committee of the PR/Communications Committee
Chair: Donna Gross
Co-Chair: TBD
Committee:  Melissa Burke, Shelley Long, Melanie Matthews, Maria Miller, Suzanne VanDerveer
Staff Support:  Glynnis Anderson

Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for monitoring legislative affairs and responding to any legislation that could impact the SCPCA. This includes supporting legislation that positively impacts our members as well as responding to any legislation that negatively impacts the membership. This committee must maintain a close relationship with the SCPCA lobbying group and the Clemson University Government Affairs Office.
Chair: Melanie Matthews
Committee: Rich Borden, Buster Dowless
Staff Support: Glynnis Anderson

DPR Liaison Committee
Chair: Steve Leidinger 

Leadership SCPCA
The Leadership SCPCA Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for providing input and planning assistance to our program director to ensure a successful program.
Program Director: Mark DiNunzio
Chair: Kimberly Blaiss
Co-Chairs: Chris Barnett and Scott Stanley
Staff Support: Lisa Ashley  

The Foundation Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for providing guidance and support to the South Carolina Pest Management Charitable Foundation, the 501c3 charitable arm of SCPCA. This committee supports the auction, scholarship fund, Pub Crawl, South Carolina Urban Entomology Charitable Alliance and any other charitable work by the SCPCA.
*this committee contains several sub-committees
Chair: Phillip Smith
Co-Chair: Tim Harrison
Staff Support:  Glynnis Anderson & Lisa Ashley

*this committee is a sub-committee of the Foundation Committee
Chair: Philip Smith
Committee: TBD
Staff Support:  Glynnis Anderson

*this committee is a sub-committee of the Foundation Committee
Chair: John William Dowless
Co-Chair: Sherry Mack
Committee: Johnny Jury & TBD
Staff Support:  Glynnis Anderson

Meeting & Events
The Meetings & Events Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for the effective production of our Pest Pro Summit and Summer Conference.
*there are sub-committees for each meeting
Chair: Rich Borden
Co-Chair: Mary Elizabeth Dowless Fairfax

Pest Pro Summit
*this is a sub-committee of Meetings & Events, includes Education Committee
Planner: Lisa Ashley
Co-Chair:  Hunter Reese
Co-Chair: Brian Cope
Education Chair: Dr. Eric Benson
Education Co-Chairs: Kevin Hathorne & Jackie Ellis
Committee: *director from each region

Education Committee 

The Education Committee works in tandem with the Summit planning committee and is responsible for providing our membership the very best educational training by presenting important topics, utilizing professional speakers and promoting fellowship for the SCPCA Annual Meeting. This committee is tasked to select relevant speakers, approve speaker presentations, and secure CCU credits from appropriate states, for both owner/manager and technician sessions of the conference. Speaker names, topics and CCUs earned by category should be submitted to Fusion Communications by October 1st, giving Fusion ample time to promote the conference and maximize attendance. The Education Committee and the Winter Conference Committee will work closely together to ensure the Association presents the best educational program possible to our members.
Chair: Dr. Eric Benson 
Co-Chairs: Jackie Ellis & Kevin Hathorne 
Staff Support: Lisa Ashley & Glynnis Anderson 

Summer Conference
*this is a sub-committee of Meetings & Events
Chair: Rich Borden
Staff Support Glynnis Anderson

Review & Ethics Committee
Chair: Cecil Barber
Co-Chair: Buster Dowless
Committee: Rich Borden

Nominating Committee
Chair: Glenn Matthews
Members: Rich Borden, Scott Fortson, Craig Heather & Buster Dowless

The following are the standing committees for the South Carolina Pest Control Association. These hard-working committees facilitate the daily business and outreach of SCPCA. We encourage you to get involved and find you place to serve. 

Chair – Mary Elizabeth Dowless Fairfax
Committee TBD

This committee is chaired by the SCPCA Vice President/President Elect and is responsible for developing membership opportunities and helping to retain and grow membership.

Chair – Ken Smith 
Committee TBD

This committee is responsible for monitoring legislative affairs and responding to any legislation that could impact the SCPCA. This includes supporting legislation that positively impacts our members as well as responding to any legislation that negatively impacts the membership. This committee must maintain a close relationship with the SCPCA lobbying group and the Clemson University Government Affairs Office.

Chair – Ralph Faulling 
Committee TBD

This committee is responsible for ensuring that all funds received by the SCPCA as well as all funds dispersed through the association accounts are appropriate and properly accounted for.

Public Relations:   
Chair – Kipp Woods
Committee: Lisa Ashley, Melanie Matthews & TBD 

This committee is responsible for promoting SCPCA membership and creating value for our members, including oversight of fundraising events sponsored by the SCPCA and local associations to raise money for charitable organizations. Establish and maintain a presence at local association meetings to create a link between the local and state association. Create and implement a Leadership Development Program for the purpose of preparing future leaders to serve in various leadership roles in the association and throughout our membership. Oversee communication with our membership via our website, promotional material, trade shows, etc. The South Carolina PWIPM Committee is a sub-committee of the Public Relations Committee. 

Chair – Eric Benson
Committee: Lisa Ashley, TBD 

This committee is responsible for providing our membership the very best educational training by presenting important topics, utilizing professional speakers and promoting fellowship for the SCPCA Annual Meeting. This committee is tasked to select relevant speakers, approve speaker presentations, and secure CCU credits from appropriate states, for both owner/manager and technician sessions of the conference. Speaker names, topics and CCUs earned by category should be submitted to Fusion Communications by October 1st, giving Fusion ample time to promote the conference and maximize attendance. The Education Committee and the Winter Conference Committee will work closely together to ensure the Association presents the best educational program possible to our members.

Meeting Committee: 
Pest Pro Summit- Chair/Planner: Lisa Ashley   2023 Co-Chairs: Ralph Faulling & Derek Johnson 

Summer Meeting- TBD

This committee is responsible for overseeing all facets of the Pest Pro Summit as outlined in the contract with Fusion Communications. The Meetings Committee is the link between SCPCA and Fusion Communications to ensure the Association presents the best event possible to our members and to provide support to Fusion Communications. This committee also serves as a link for the Summer Meeting between our promotion and production partners. This committee will also strategize and plan future meetings. 

Chair – Rich Borden 
Committee- David Hill and David Clark 

This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the membership on potential SCPCA Board Members and Officers to be voted on in the Annual SCPCA Business Meeting. This committee is made up of the immediate past three SCPCA Presidents.

Charitable Foundation:
Chair – Tim Smith 
Committee: Glenn Matthews, Glynnis Smith & TBD 

This committee is responsible for overseeing the areas of support set forth by the South Carolina Pest Management Charitable Foundation. This includes the annual auction and drawing to support the Adkins-Ford Scholarship Fund as well as the annual Pub Crawl to benefit the Clemson University Urban Entomology Foundation.  This committee is also responsible for establishing the criteria for scholarship application and eligibility and ensuring those criteria are met by all applicants. This committee is also responsible for strategizing efforts to support other charitable endeavors such as the SCPCA commitment to the South Carolina Urban Entomology Charitable Alliance. 

Review and Ethics: 
Co-Chairs- Buster Dowless & Cecil Barber 

This committee is responsible for reviewing all proposed civil penalty enforcement actions taken by the Clemson University Department of Pesticide Regulation involving someone holding a SC Pest Control Business License and licensed in Category 7A or 7B. These actions are reviewed before the action is taken to make certain the regulatory decision is consistent with SC Law and Regulatory Enforcement Policies. This committee is also responsible for accepting and responding to any ethics complaints against any SCPCA member. This committee only reviews and investigates any complaint to determine if any tenant of the SCPCA Constitution and By-Laws has been violated by a member.

Leadership SCPCA: 
Chair- Tara Park Committee: TBD

This committee is responsible for overseeing the Leadership SCPCA program in coordination with the project director, meeting planner and leadership class. 

Join a Committee

For additional information, please contact Executive Director, Glynnis Anderson –

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